Internal Assessment

An Eight-Step Guide

Step Eight: Referencing and final checks

By the end of this step you will have:

✔︎  Referenced your sources

✔︎  Given your work to a classmate/IA-buddy to read, mark and give feedback

✔︎  Set your work aside for a few days and proofread your IA with fresh eyes

✔︎  Given your work (draft) to your teacher to read, mark and give feedback

✔︎  Made final improvements based on your teacher’s feedback

✔︎  Run victory laps upon completing your IA :)

Referencing your sources

Carrying out final checks


  Reference your sources

  Carry out final checks

  Celebrate :)



✔︎  I chose one of the accepted referencing styles (MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, CSE, ISO 690) in line with my school’s referencing expectations

✔︎  I listed all sources that I refer to in my work at the end of my IA

✔︎  I used in-text referencing to cite my sources

✔︎  I made an appointment with a referencing expert (most likely your school librarian) to ensure that I have referenced all my sources correctly

✔︎  I gave my work to a classmate or IA buddy for proofreading

✔︎  My classmate/IA buddy used the assessment criteria to mark my work and to give me feedback

✔︎  I made improvements based on the feedback I received

✔︎  I set my work aside for a few days (if possible), proofread my IA with fresh eyes, and made improvements accordingly

✔︎  I gave my work (draft) to my teacher for full, written feedback

✔︎  I clarified any questions with my teacher regarding her/his feedback

✔︎  I made final improvements to my IA based on my teacher’s feedback

✔︎  I celebrated the completion of my IA :)

Additional resources

Example IA (PDF)

← Step 7